Our Family

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stella Rielle

 Look @ all that hair!!!
So cute....
 First bath....

All clean....

Our lil cupcake....

So tiny in the car seat....
 Suckin on her fingers.....

No curly hair for this lil girl......
 Already a daddy's girl

Kason meeting his new sister.....

Pure Bliss.....
 He loves his sister.....A LOT!!!
 He loves to kiss her too!!! A LOT!!!
Told ya so!!

Stella's Birthday.....

Stella was born 05/27/2011 @ 6:11 am…. I have to share the story of how lil Stella arrived...I had posted on facebook around 2 am that I wanted the contractions to either speed up or go away because I was exhausted...I went upstairs & layed down & tried to go to sleep..didn't work out...So then I started timing the contractions...they averaged 8-10 mins apart..Well I called St. Lukes & spoke to a Nurse (Molly) around 3:40 to basically just get an opinion on if I should head to the hospital to get checked out...She said she thought it was a good idea & to call my doctor before heading in...Next phone call was made to my doctors office...shortly after....she called me back...& told me if you can't sleep thru your contractions you need to go in...she said I could take my time...I woke Todd up & told him we needed to go to the hospital...He asked if he could take a quick shower I said sure...He didn't take too long...then we grabbed our bags that were ready & loaded the car...Todd was dinkin around in the garage...picking up Tools...I told him we needed to go & that could wait....we woke up Kason & left...My contractions really picked up during the drive...I remember having one near the Costco in Nampa...getting on the freeway at the Costco/Target exit...Garrity Exit...before Wahooz...Eagle exit...the light being red @ the Eagle exit & Todd saying turn green turn green...hahaha...I told him he had no idea how much pain I was in...he agreed...another as we were parking...another as we went up the elevator...then I told the lady @ the desk I needed to get checked because I thought I was in labor...I had to sign some papers...it took a few mins to get me back...I used the restroom...then the nurse hooked me up to the monitor....Todd & Kason left the room so she could check me...I didn't know what to think when she looked at me & her facial expression showed she was in shock...She said Well your dialated to a 9...your going to have your daughter very very soon...She stepped out of the room & told Todd to come back in...She left quickly...I guess to get a room ready...Another nurse came in...I started crying...I think I was in shock...scared...I had showed up with the mind set that I was going to get sent home not have a baby shortly after arriving...I asked them to call my doctor right away...they said if she was home there was no way she would make it in time...thankfully she was @ her office...which was only 15 mins away & she was on her way....I called my friend Ali told her I was at the hospital...dialated to a 9...& she quickly said I am leaving now & was off the phone...They wheeled me to a delivery room...My doctor showed up not too long after we got settled in the room...Todd made a few quick calls & I was texting as many people as I could (while having really bad contractions) The nurses were in complete shock that I was able to talk let alone text...I remembered we left the camera in the car so Todd ran to the car really quick to grab it...He got back to the room....My doctor checked me...I was at a 10...she broke my water...And then they told me I needed to push on my next contraction...Well my next contraction came quite quickly and I got ready to push...felt the pressure & said I can't do it...Ali said something like "Krystal within a few pushes Stella is going to be here....I did it I know you can"...Three pushes later Stella was here...I won't say it was easy...or that it didn't hurt...I will say that if I had had the option to get the epidural I probably would have...but given the circumstances it worked out that I got to experience a "Natural Birth"!! We arrived at the hospital at 5:10 & lil Stella arrived at 6:11! The nurses joked that if Todd had taken a longer shower he might have been delivering Stella on the side of the freeway!! Were doing great...home...enjoying our family...Thanks to Ali we have beautiful pictures of Stellas birth...Todd decided not to hold a leg this time...I think it had some to do with the amount of pain I was in...he stayed by my head...  :)  Ali held my left leg & the nurse I spoke to earlier Molly held my right...It was a beautiful experience...although I won't be sharing any of the pictures that have me in them during the birth because I look angry in every single one...it was because of the pain...hahahha...Stella has a full head of dark hair!! Guess I was right about the heartburn after all...  :) She was 6 lbs 2.8 oz & 19 1/2 in long...her head circumference was 13 in...We were released today just before 7...She has jaundice & will be using a biliblanket until her numbers say otherwise...Her last weigh in she was 5 lbs 12 oz...She is tiny & feisty!! Our family is complete...Thank you to all of our friends & family...we couldn't be happier!!