I have not been a very good blogger lately. Kason is
getting big! He will be 8 wks on Wed. We have
been spending alot of time at Grandma & Grandpa
Sorenson's. It has been a blast! Kason already
weighs around 11 lbs. He has his 8 wk. check up
on the 29th. I finally uploaded all the pictures from
our camera so here they are!!! Enjoy!!

Flowers from Gpa & Gma Sorenson

Flowers from my Dad

3 days old

Kason loves Gma!

4 days old

5 days old
Sittin in the sun...Trying to cure Jaundice

Hooked up to a Biliblanket...

Our Little Glow Worm!!

One week and one day old! Bonnie & Twila came to visit...

One week two days old...
Loves his Gpa!!

First real bath...2 wks 2 days old...
Taken yesterday....7 wks 2 days